Rockleigh, New  Jersey (Official Website)
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Main Number

Construction Official
William McGuire

Building Subcode Official
William McGuire

Fire Subcode Official
William McGuire

Electrical Subcode Official
Richard Hess

Plumbing Subcode Official
Mark Sarleno

Elevator Subcode Official
Kevin Doherty

Construction/Zoning Official
William McGuire

Building Department

The Borough of Rockleigh Construction Office follows the State Uniform Construction Code Regulations requiring the following Subcode Officials: Construction, Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Elevator. Following is a partial list of work requiring permits: kitchen and bathroom renovations, finished basements, installation of and replacement of mechanical equipment including a hot water heater and/or boiler, heating and cooling equipment, and electrical service upgrades. Please contact the Construction Office for additional information concerning types of permits required.

Utility Companies, a PSE&G website

Emergency Contacts to Report Power Outages

PSE&G: 1 (800) 436-7734
Orange & Rockland: 1 (800) 434-4100

Please refer to for information on winter weather preparedness.